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“融入資訊科技, 連向商機無界限” SME 2.5座談會

香港資訊科技商會將舉辦 "融入資訊科技, 連向商機無界限" SME 2.5 座談會,全方位活用社交網絡 (Social Media)、 流動科技(Mobile Technology) 和雲端運算(Cloud Computing),配以適當的營商策略(Business Strategies) 靈活變通,助中小企突圍而出,創造無限商機。 日期: 2013年11月19日 (星期ニ) 時間: 下午1:30-4:30 (下午1:00 開始登記) 場地: 香港九龍塘達之路78號生產力大樓4樓展示廳 (港鐵九龍塘站C出口) 主禮嘉賓: 香港特別行政區政府 副政府資訊科技總監(政策及數碼社會) 林錦平女士,JP 對象: 中小企老闆及管理人員 語言: 廣東話 費用: 全免 登記留座: http://goo.gl/ms2QqQ 節目表: http://www.hkitf.org.hk/eDM/SME2.5/ProgrammeRundown.pdf 詳情: http://www.hkitf.org.hk/eDM/SME2.5/sme25edm.html agenda reg SME 2.5 Conference - “Going Social, Mobile & Cloud for Business Success” Hong Kong Information Technology Federation (HKITF) is going to organize the SME 2.5 Conference - “Going Social, Mobile & Cloud for Business Success” with objectives of introducing a broad spectrum of latest echnologies in three hot areas of Social Marketing, Mobile Technology and Cloud Computing; sharing best practices and strategies of adopting ICT addressing the needs of SMEs and hence create more business opportunities for SMEs. Date: 19 November 2013 (Tuesday) Time: 1:30-4:30pm (registration starts at 1:00pm) Venue: Conference Hall, 4/F HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong Guest of Honour: Miss Joey Lam, JP, Deputy Government Chief Information Officer (Policy and Community), OGCIO, HKSAR Government Targets: CEOs, Directors, Senior Management, IT Managers, Marketing Managers of SMEs in Hong Kong Language: Cantonese Admission Fee: Free of charge Registration: http://goo.gl/ms2QqQ Programme Rundown: http://www.hkitf.org.hk/eDM/SME2.5/ProgrammeRundown.pdf Event details: http://www.hkitf.org.hk/eDM/SME2.5/sme25edm.html
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