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POP Peeper 免安裝中文版 (WebMail – 多功能信箱檢查軟體


可當郵件用戶端使用的信件檢查工具–POP Peeper,話說阿榮大概300年沒有使用POP3收信軟體或信件檢查軟體了!突然有一個種花電信的信箱會卡信(沒被雞Mail收下來),因此想要找可以檢查信箱的砍信軟體,就找到這個不僅可以檢查信箱,還可以寄信的工具,順手就幫這軟體變成免安裝版了。(阿榮)(下載

[2010.07.29] 主程式仍為 v3.6.0.0,更新 Webmail 模組為,這就是我版號標示的意思。
[2011.06.26] 感謝讀者「Psycho」通知改版訊息。

POP Peeper is an email notifier that runs in your Windows task bar and alerts you when you have new email on your POP3, IMAP (with IDLE support), HotmailMSNLiveMail, Yahoo, GMail, Mail.com, MyWay, Excite, iWon, Lycos.com, RediffMail, Juno and NetZero accounts. IMAP supports allows you to access AOL, AIM, Netscape and other services. Send mail directly from POP Peeper and use the address book to email your frequently used contacts. POP Peeper allows you to view messages using HTML or you can choose to safely view all messages in rich or plain text. Several options are available that will decrease or eliminate the risks of reading your email (viruses, javascript, webbugs, etc). POP Peeper can be run from a portable device and can be password protected. Many notification options are availble to indicate when new mail has arrived, such as sound alerts (configurable for each account), flashing scroll lock, skinnable popup notifier, customized screensaver and more.

[改版訊息] [官方載點]


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Source: azofreeware.com


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