混音軟體 - VirtualDJ(虛擬DJ),非常受歡迎的專業級混音軟體,操作介面就像專業DJ的音控台,可以把要播放的音樂或影片分別拖放到左右兩邊,作歌曲串接、混音的同時,就能夠將音樂輸出為MP3,付費版提供更多專業級的功能。(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:Atomix Productions
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
VirtualDJ is the hottest AUDIO and VIDEO mixing software, targeting DJs from the bedroom, mobile, and professional superstars like Carl Cox.
With VirtualDJ's breakthrough BeatLock engine, songs will always stay in beat, and the DJ works their mixes incredibly faster than they ever could.
關鍵字:Virtual DJ, VirtualDJ Home FREE
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安裝版 [7.4.1] [7.4]
Source: azofreeware.com