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[Chrome外掛] Yet another flags – 在網址列顯示網站主機所在國家的國旗


在Chrome瀏覽器網址列顯示網站主機所在國家的國旗 - Yet another flags,在每個分頁的網址列後方按下國旗小圖示,可以顯示網站主機所在國家、城市、IP地址,按下「Whois」則會連上「http://whois.domaintools.com/」查詢網域註冊者資料。(阿榮)(下載

Yet another flags - Shows flag for the website in the location bar. This is another extension which shows country flag for the site in current tab. It also shows city, region and country name in the flag icon hint. Moreover, there are some additional data and links in the popup.

下載連結→ [官網] [本站 - 離線安裝檔]

Source: azofreeware.com

