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WinLogOnView 1.02 免安裝中文版 – 查出電腦登入及登出時間


抓出電腦登入登出時間 - WinLogOnView,電腦的開機、關機、登入、登出時間其實都有詳實的紀錄,只是很難去單純的查閱這些資訊!只要開啟這個小軟體,就可以輕鬆列出電腦登入時間、登出時間、持續使用時間...等資訊,電腦何時登入及登出、登入後使用了多少時間便可以一目了然!(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:Nir Sofer
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/2008(32及64位元)

WinLogOnView is a simple tool for Windows Vista/7/8/2008 that analyses the security event log of Windows operating system, and detects the date/time that users logged on and logged off. For every time that a user log on/log off to your system, the following information is displayed: Logon ID, User Name, Domain, Computer, Logon Time, Logoff Time, Duration, and network address.
WinLogOnView also allows you to easily export the logon sessions information to tab-delimited/comma-delimited/html/xml file.

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免安裝版 [1.02] [1.01] [1.00]

Source: azofreeware.com

