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Folder2Iso 2.0 免安裝版 – ISO檔製作工具



[2010.05.10] 上次更新:2007/4/25。

Folder2Iso just creates an iso from any kind of folder (with the subfolders).
Its a GUI of mkisofs.
No need of installation , really small exe.
Some of you can say : "What is the point of this tool? Seems useless."
Well dvddecrypter/imgburn can burn cd/dvd for free so if you make an iso easily you can burn your movies on cds/dvd for free. It is also usefull for the dvd2avi guide ...
So : dvddecrypter/imgburn + Folder2Iso combine an totaly freeware burning kit for all kinds of avi/ogm/mkv !

下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝版]

免安裝版 [2.0] [1.5]

Source: azofreeware.com

