圖片轉PDF檔 - JPEGtoPDF,能夠把一堆圖片排序後一次轉檔為一個或多個獨自的PDF檔,支援Unicode、自訂頁面大小(英吋、公分、釐米),頁面大小調整功能有:圖片自動填滿頁面(Match Image Size + Margins)、自動將超過頁面大小的圖片調整為符合頁面大小(Shrink Over-Sized Images to Page Area)、自動將小圖片放大為頁面大(Enlarge Small Images to Page Area),還可以設定邊界(Margins)、設定圖片置中或靠左上角對齊(Image Position)。(阿榮)(下載)
系統需求:Windows 7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
JPEGtoPDF supports converting multiple image files to single or multiple PDFs files. JPEGtoPDF also supports image scaling and positioning. JPEGtoPDF is now written in VB.Net, and supports additional image formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, TIF, WMF, EMF, in addition to JPG, JP2, J2K. Also, This program now supports commandline execution, where the syntax is: JPEGtoPDF.exe "pdfFileName" "imgFileName1" "imgFileName2"
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Source: azofreeware.com