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Sandboxie 4.10 中文版 – 沙盒電腦程式 創造獨立的虛擬環境


沙盒電腦程式 - Sandboxie,其原理類似可攜式軟體,可以讓程式運作的過程中不寫入登錄檔、系統檔...等等,因此,所有程式運作產生的檔案都會被鎖在沙盤裡,如果偵測到下載的檔案,則可以自由選擇是否移出沙盤儲存到其他地方,使用沙盤來開啟瀏覽器或程式,可以測試可疑軟體,也被應用於遊戲的多開。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:Sandboxie Holdings, LLC.
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

- Run programs in a sandbox to prevent rogue software, unwanted programs, spyware, viruses, worms, and other malware from making permanent changes to your machine
- Protect yourself or your company from a wide variety of attacks - ranging from botnets to banking Trojans and ransomware to run of the mill viruses
- Configure your own sandboxes to meet your specific needs
- Trial the Sandboxie Free version, buy the Sandboxie Pro version or upgrade to an enterprise grade product with Invincea FreeSpace™ to take advantage of invisible protection, central management, behavioral based malware detection & reporting, malware forensics capture, threat intelligence feeds



下載連結→ [按此下載中文版]

安裝版 [4.10]

Source: azofreeware.com
