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Simple Run Blocker 1.1 免安裝版 – 限制小朋友不能玩哪些遊戲或軟體


限制小朋友不能玩哪些遊戲或軟體 - Simple Run Blocker,可以讓指定的軟體無法執行、隱藏或鎖定磁碟分割區,把要管制的軟體新增或拖放到軟體主介面,再來,可以選擇依清單封鎖程式(Block only the list below)、封鎖下列以外的程式(Block all except the list below)、暫停封鎖(Disable blocking),最後,記得按套用(打勾的小圖示),被封鎖的程式就會無法執行,而且會出現「這個作業已經被取消,因為這個電腦受到限制,請連絡您的系統管理員。」的錯誤訊息,若要解除封鎖,就把程式從清單中移除後再套用即可;如果有隱私資料不想被存取,也可以利用磁碟分割區隱藏或鎖定的功能。(阿榮)(下載

系統需求:Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
關鍵字:RunBlock, RunBlockPortable

Sometimes it is necessary to prevent children from using specific programs , of course there are ways to do that but not as simple as drag and drop “Simple Run Blocker” is Portable freeware to simplify the blocking process and it allows you to add EXE files by simply using drag and drop then the executables will be automatically blocked ,it has another useful function too , called “Block all except the list” it is like “Kiosk mode” and blocks almost everything except your listed Applications.


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Source: azofreeware.com

