倫敦2021年6月2日 /美通社/ -- The Body Shop 今天宣佈,其整個產品配方組合* 到 2023 年底將獲得純素協會 (The Vegan Society) 認證,並擁有純素商標。The Body Shop 於 1989 年時,也是第一家宣傳反對化妝品業動物試驗的化妝品公司,其基礎信念是追求美容時不應傷害動物。
![The new refill stations in The Body Shop, rolling out globally across 500 stores in 2021 and a further 300 stores in 2022 The new refill stations in The Body Shop, rolling out globally across 500 stores in 2021 and a further 300 stores in 2022](https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/1523091/the_body_shop_refill_stations.jpg?p=medium600)
The new refill stations in The Body Shop, rolling out globally across 500 stores in 2021 and a further 300 stores in 2022
純素協會代表純素認證的全球金漆標準,該協會採取非常徹底的認證審查方法,檢查每一家原料供應商和製造商。The Body Shop 使用超過 3,700 種原材料。目前,The Body Shop 產品中 60% 為純素。
公司還宣佈將在今年在全球 500 家商店推出志向宏大的產品補充站,並在 2022 年在另外 300 家商店推出。 The Body Shop 還將在 2021 年底前在 14 個市場的 800 家商店擴展其店內循環再造計劃,即交回、再造和重複。
The Body Shop 全球品牌總監 Lionel Thoreau 說:「100% 純素是我們和純素美容發展的自然下一步,是我們可持續發展和環境計劃的關鍵下一步。這與我們的全球產品補充和店內循環再造計劃相輔相成,使 The Body Shop 成為重視道德的客戶之選。」
純素協會業務發展總監 Chantelle Adkins 評論說:「Body Shop 目標為其眾多配方組合獲取 100% 純素商標認證,這個雄心證明了他們堅定的承諾,致力提供最有效和最愛護地球的產品。」
在評論產品補充計劃時,Thoreau 補充說:「我們希望重新補充產品成為每個人都能輕鬆實現的主流習慣。這只是我們在全球推出產品補充站這個五年計劃的第一步。」
* 我們的目標是到 2023 年 12 月時獲得純素協會認證的所有產品配方。這時市場可能仍有尚未經純素協會認證的舊配方產品,因為這些產品仍需要售出。
![By 2023, all product formulations sold by The Body Shop will hold The Vegan Society trademark, the global gold standard in vegan certification By 2023, all product formulations sold by The Body Shop will hold The Vegan Society trademark, the global gold standard in vegan certification](https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/1523089/the_body_shop_vegan_society.jpg?p=medium600)
By 2023, all product formulations sold by The Body Shop will hold The Vegan Society trademark, the global gold standard in vegan certification
![The Body Shop refills will begin with shower gels, shampoos, conditioners and hand washes, allowing each individual to prevent up to 32 plastic bottles going to waste each year. Collectively this adds up to 25 tonnes of plastic saved in the first year alone. The Body Shop refills will begin with shower gels, shampoos, conditioners and hand washes, allowing each individual to prevent up to 32 plastic bottles going to waste each year. Collectively this adds up to 25 tonnes of plastic saved in the first year alone.](https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/1523090/the_body_shop_refills.jpg?p=medium600)
The Body Shop refills will begin with shower gels, shampoos, conditioners and hand washes, allowing each individual to prevent up to 32 plastic bottles going to waste each year. Collectively this adds up to 25 tonnes of plastic saved in the first year alone.