《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  TGS2021 Online King of Fighters XV Special Program!KOF XV全新角色正式登場!   觀賞電影「劇場版 咒術迴戰0」就能獲得報酬!荒野行動 × 咒術迴戰聯乘決定!   PlayStation Showcase: 完整回顧   猗窩座和魘夢也登場!「鬼滅之刃 火之神血風譚」公開最新宣傳影像!   PSP 初代女神異聞錄 & 2 罪‧罰最後降價!三千日圓買三款遊戲還有找零!   「年末優惠」進駐PlayStation Store   Netflix原創動畫「惡靈古堡:無盡闇黑」釋出第2彈劇照&故事內容   「聖劍傳說 ECHOES of MANA」決定封閉β測試!早一步試玩的機會! 


This thirsty light basically flash when your plant is thirsty. It is not some kind of magic as it detect the mud humidity. But it looks funny that you feel like your plant is telling you thirsty.


Disney Plus