《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  Nintendo Switch版《國夫君的三國志全員集合!》發售日終於確定!   《地平線 西域禁地》新影片披露滑行獸、捲背獸和日翼者等駭人新機器   從新作到続篇!「PlayStation Showcase 2021」發表內容統整!   《Among Us》預計在12月15日登陸PS4 / PS5   五大提示助你在《巴蘭的異想奇境》找到方向   今年冬天也一起線上同樂吧!「RTA in Japan 2020」將於2月27日開幕!   「明星大亂鬥特別版 最後之特別番組」就是「索拉的使用方法」!發表內容總結!   《Mass Effect傳奇版》:再平衡、微調與機制強化處理 

How to un-subscribe “Yahoo! 新聞快訊” by email

114 I previously subscribe "Yahoo! 新聞快訊" by email and now using RSS reader to read those news. So I would like to un-subscribe "Yahoo! 新聞快訊" by email. Here is my problem that they do not allow me to un-subscribe. After I click un-subscribe at the bottom of the email, it will direct me to the unknown page. 26 35 Just wondering anyone is having this issue and any solution about that? Since I have subscribe several of their service by email so I receive those daily which I already have in RSS reader.


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