《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  香港最大動漫・電玩盛事「ACGHK 2021(香港動漫電玩節)」即將登場!另有電競活動「香港電競嘉年華2021」!   「Street Fighter VCE」9月21日更新!新增豪鬼新服裝「機器豪鬼」!   《Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart》將在2021年6月11日發售,預購資訊如下   《House of Ashes》– 將恐怖音效變得栩栩如生   動人的《Kena: Bridge of Spirits》預告片揭露新遊戲畫面與故事細節   《決勝時刻®:黑色行動冷戰》與《現代戰域™》第四季將於6月18日登場   Cygames成立以遠端工作為主的3DCG製作子公司「株式會社CySphere」   二月份PlayStation Plus遊戲:《Destruction AllStars》、《Control終極版》以及《Concrete Genie》 

The Hong Kong Startup Association (HKSUA) Event: “Building and Expanding Your Business – Issues and Challenges All Startups Should Consider”

polyuhksuaflyer Date: November 15, 2008 Time: 1:45pm to 4pm Venue: Lecture Room HJ305 (3/F Stanley Ho Building) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
檢視較大的地圖 Guest Speakers: Rodney Lloyd (HKSUA): "Introduction To The HK Startup Association" Louis Leung (Wing On Professional Group) : " My Road to Rome - Building and Expanding Businesses and China Expansion Challenges" Stefan Rust (Catalist Group): "Innovation and The Current Startup Climate" Eddie Chua (Microsoft): Microsoft's Startup Offering Panel discussion: "Building and growing your business - considerations for startup business" Xbox Lucky Draw Competition Register Here: [email protected] Website: http://hksua.com.hk copy-of-polyuhksuaflyer


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