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Glary Utilities 免安裝中文版


Glary Utilities–多功能系統清理工具,它的功能類似CCleaner,可以清理硬碟、修復系統登錄檔,還有記憶體管理、啟動項目管理、移除程式等功能,比較特別的是它有「右鍵選單管理員」可以幫你把一些沒用的項目給刪除掉!這是CCleaner所沒有的罕見功能。(阿榮)(

[2008.08.23] 官方釋出 Portable 版(。
[2008.10.19] 感謝 Hulen 提供完美版中文化。
[2010.06.01] 修正阿榮版沒有將軟體預設為中文的問題,謝謝讀者反應。
[2010.09.13] 感謝讀者「書燁」通知改版訊息;因為發現 WinRAR 自解壓縮檔無法於 Windows 7 x64 下自動啟動程式,故先改用 7-Zip 自解壓縮檔格式。

Glary Utilities offers numerous powerful and easy-to-use system tools and utilities to fix, speed up, maintain and protect your PC.

It allows you to clean common system junk files, as well as invalid registry entries and Internet traces. You can manage and delete browser add-ons, analyze disk space usage and find duplicate files. You can also view and manage installed shell extensions, encrypt your files from unauthorized access and use, split large files into smaller manageable files and then rejoin them. Furthermore, Glary Utilities includes the options to optimize memory, find, fix, or remove broken Windows shortcuts, manage the programs that start at Windows startup and uninstall software. Other features include secure file deletion, an Empty Folder finder and more.

關鍵字:GU, Glary Utilities Portable


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