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4 steps of Hulu’s user acquisition plan

若您都想創辦一個網站,不妨參考Hulu的幾個步驟(當然財力上可能遠不如Hulu),但基本步驟卻有參考價值: 1. 開發階段 – 收集電郵 The name Hulu was chosen in late August 2007, when the website went live, with an announcement only and no content. It invited users to leave their email addresses for the upcoming beta test. 2. 測試階段 – 朋友推薦 In October, Hulu began the private beta testing by invitation, and later allowed users to invite friends. 3. 正式推出 Hulu launched for public access in the United States on March 12, 2008. 4. 打廣告(可換成Facebook / Google Ad) Super Bowl Ad:an evil plot to destroy the world   Source
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