《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  觀看1月22日「Resident Evil Showcase」直播節目   PS5九月系統軟件更新明日於全球發布   《Super Animal Royale》本年稍後將為PS4和PS5帶來超萌大亂鬥   《Stranger Of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin》試玩版第2彈預覽! 以3人合作的多人遊玩挑戰新關卡!   《現嚐好滋味!超級猴子球》:《女神異聞錄5》的摩爾加納將加入猴子幫   在即將於明年登陸PS4和PS5《Deathverse: Let It Die》中,於殘酷世界內努力生存   《Hades》於8月13日登陸PS4和PS5   超現實敘事冒險遊戲《Where the Heart Leads》於7月13日在PS4、PS5發行 

Carrier Ethernet World APAC Congress 2010 1 – 3 December 2010 Excelsior Hotel, Hong Kong

350+ decision makers • 60+ expert speakers • 25+ exhibitors • 30+ hours of detailed content. The largest meeting place and educational forum for the Ethernet transport and services industry in the APAC region. Discover how APAC operators are reducing OPEX, meeting backhaul challenges and enhancing service offerings with Carrier Ethernet The comprehensive 2 day agenda headlines 60 plus leading industry speakers and includes MEF APAC Service Provider Awards, CE Interoperability Showcase, Official MEF CE Technical Briefing, CEWA networking drinks reception and Technical primer sessions. To download the full agenda or book your place at this must attend show visit www.carrierethernetworld.com/apac


Disney Plus