《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  PlayStation Store:「雙倍折扣」優惠回歸   「hololive」人氣VTuber與日本超商「LAWSON」合作!聯名商品將於12月7日(二)登場!   除了「死亡循環」以外還釋出了許多豐富情報!「State of Play」發表內容彙整!   動森 × 海島樂園實境活動「集合啦!動物森友會 × 横浜・八景島海島樂園 八景島 海洋生物 交流展」開展確定!   CASIO VINTAGE × PAC-MAN 復古又俏皮的電子錶登場!   最後一位!大亂鬥SP最終新增鬥士將於10月5日22點發表!   「Days of Play」優惠活動登陸PlayStation   Ghost of Tsushima: 深入探究壹岐島的黑暗秘辛 

Gmail users +43%

logo1 Gmail is still in beta after many years and grew 43% in 2008. AOL mail and Hotmail need to start worrying. You definitely can tell hotmail is gradually dropping and a lot more people are using Gmail now. Gmail users: 29.6 million (+43%) Yahoo users: 91.9 million (+11%) AOL users: 46.6 million (0%) Hotmail users: 43.5 million (-5%) gmailvs-hotmailaol-chart

