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新加坡2021年9月20日 /美通社/ -- 瑞士隆奧是領先的共益企業認證(B-Corp Certified)全球財富及資產管理公司,我們非常榮幸與六個策略聯盟攜手合作,在主講嘉賓活動「淨零排放競賽:短跑還是馬拉松?」(The Race to Net Zero: A Sprint or a Marathon)舉行可持續發展的對話。這次虛擬會議於2021年9月16日進行,在香港、新加坡與日本等八個亞太市場進行直播。
Lombard Odier leads net zero conversation with former UN leader Ban Ki-moon and its six strategic alliances, hosted by Bloomberg's Chief International Correspondent for South East Asia Haslinda Amin. Speakers include (left to right): Former United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as keynote speaker, Lombard Odier's Senior Managing Partner Hubert Keller and Limited Partner and CEO, Asia Vincent Magnenat.
彭博的東南亞首席國際特派記者 Haslinda Amin 聯同身在日內瓦的瑞士隆奧高級管理合夥人 Hubert Keller 進行「爐邊談話」,討論瑞士隆奧如何孜孜不倦推動淨零排放挑戰邁向更加可持續的未來。
瑞士隆奧集團高級管理合夥人 Hubert Keller 表示:「隨著氣候開始變化,轉型挑戰的財務影響以及實體與責任風險亦上升,我們稱之為氣候價值效應(Climate Value Impact)。作為資產管理公司,幫助客戶克服邁向凈零排放經濟的過程是我們的受信責任之一。通過前瞻性評估,包括了解去碳化的途徑與軌跡以及其財務影響,我們協助投資者重整其投資組合。這次與潘基文的討論帶來深入的見解,並突顯正如其他地區,亞洲的相關利益各方均需要更清晰的路線圖,並聯手一致行動。」
瑞士隆奧有限合夥人兼亞洲區行政總裁 Vincent Magnenat 表示:「我們明白不少亞洲國家在邁向淨零排放經濟與CLIC™模式(循環(C)、精簡(L)、共融(I)與潔淨(C))時面臨重大挑戰,而CLIC™正是瑞士隆奧的使命與願景之基石。我們一方面迎接這場可持續發展的變革時,亦相信金融機構及其客戶可以是變革的推動者並發揮重要的作用。瑞士隆奧相信,這場可持續發展的變革正是一個絕無僅有的機會 -- 我們希望能為客戶提供卓越的回報。我們很高興與六個地區策略聯盟參與這次由潘基文帶領的地區對話,促進可持續發展為主的重任與投資機遇,成就更宏大的美好願景。」
「淨零排放競賽」會議由瑞士隆奧有限合夥人兼亞洲區行政總裁 Vincent Magnenat,聯同其六個策略聯盟網絡夥伴 -- 即 JBWere Australia、開泰銀行私人銀行、Mandiri Private、瑞穗證券(新加坡)、台北富邦商業銀行與UnionBank私人銀行 -- 合辦。
About Lombard Odier
Lombard Odier is a leading global wealth and asset manager. For 225 years and through more than 40 financial crises the Group has combined innovation and prudence to align itself with the long-term interests of private and institutional clients. The Group is solely owned by its Managing Partners and has a strong, liquid and conservatively invested balance sheet with a CET1 ratio of 29.7% and a Fitch rating of AA-.
Lombard Odier provides a complete offering of wealth services, including succession planning, discretionary and advisory portfolio management, and custody. Asset management services are offered through Lombard Odier Investment Managers (LOIM). The Group has created cutting-edge banking technology, which is also leveraged by other Swiss and European based private banks and financial institutions.
The Group had total client assets of CHF 316 billion at 31 December 2020. Headquartered in Geneva since 1796, at end-December the Group had 30 offices in 24 jurisdictions and employed 2,560 people.
For more information: www.lombardodier.com
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