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Recuva 1.37.488 免安裝中文版

Recuva–檔案救援軟體,跟鼎鼎大名的CCleaner是同公司出品的,主要是可以還原誤刪的圖片檔、音樂檔、文件檔及影片,記憶卡、USB及MP3中的檔案。(阿榮)(海芋推薦) Recuva (pronounced "recover") is a freeware Windows utility to restore files that have been accidentally deleted from your computer. This includes files emptied from the Recycle bin as well as images and other files that have been deleted by user error from digital camera memory cards or MP3 players. It will even bring back files that have been deleted by bugs, crashes and viruses! 關鍵字:recuva portable,檔案還原,救回圖片檔,資料救援軟體 改版訊息: v1.37.488 (14 Apr 2010) - Improved support for scrolling context menu. - Improved language support. - Improved context menu in info panel. - Minor changes to recovery algorithms. - Minor UI changes. [教學] [中文切換] 下載連結→ [訊6] [Xuite] [NeoUpload] [sendspace] SHA1:5b07060ba91173e0900465141ace7ed94940ed0e Source
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