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Moo0 SystemMonitor 1.56 免安裝中文版

[下載教學] Moo0_SystemMonitor_01 免費系統資訊列–Moo0 SystemMonitor,即時顯示多種系統資訊,高達數十種,包括:CPU使用率、記憶體使用率、硬碟使用率、網路流量、開機時間、硬碟溫度,在資訊列上按右鍵選單→【欄位】,可以勾選所需要的監控項目,另外,可以調整為水平、垂直樣式,切換為英文介面。 阿榮評語: [2009.07.22] 官方版新增正體中文語系。 [2009.11.16] 2009 年 11 月 12 日釋出 1.52 版,開始支援 Windows 7。 [2010.05.31] 感謝讀者「sop」通知改版訊息。 Moo0 SystemMonitor lets you keep your eye on system resource usages of your PC. It currently supports 27 kinds of information including CPU, Memory, Network, and detailed HDD usages. Using this software, you may discover what is limiting your system performance in each occasion. 改版訊息: 2010/05/23 - Some bug fixes. - Added Chinese (Traditional) (Revision) language support. - Added Italian (Revision) language support. - Added Greek support to the installer. 安裝版下載連結→ [訊6] [SkyDrive] [Xuite] [sendspace] [Badongo] SHA1:af03bb49cacf24f4dbd00bad1678c9fe03974404 中文化作者:Heaven 免安裝版下載連結→ [訊6] [SkyDrive] [Xuite] [sendspace] [Badongo] SHA1:f9675adda31cfc0dcae582da59a72e77f4cd254a (Source
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