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Google Calendar Sync

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Google日曆同步工具–Google Calendar Sync,這個工具能夠將「微軟 Outlook 行事曆」與「Google 日曆」同步,想必是很多割捨不掉Outlook的朋友所期盼的,你要雙向(2-way)或單向(1-way)同步?Outlook←→Goolge、Outlook→Goolge、Outlook←Goolge?帥啊...(阿榮
Google Calendar Sync allows you to sync events between Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook Calendar. You'll be able to determine the direction of information flow, as well as the sync frequency. Staying on top of your Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook Calendar events has never been easier! 下載連結→ [官網]
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