《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  《DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT》今日登陸PS5,新內容速報   以瑞波幣支薪!SBI e-Sports公司成立PUBG MOBILE部,並加入五名生力軍!   在即將於明年登陸PS4和PS5《Deathverse: Let It Die》中,於殘酷世界內努力生存   「東京電玩展優惠」進駐PlayStation Store   在今春即將問世的PS VR 獨佔遊戲《Winds & Leaves》裡動動自己的雙手來植林   今天日開始『激戰任務2』的「3週年大感謝祭」!「ν鋼彈」和「沙薩比」終於參戰!!   深入了解PS5的遊戲輔助功能   介紹位於蒙特婁的新獨立工作室「Haven」 

phpMyAdmin 4.0.8 中文版 – MySQL資料庫管理工具


MySQL資料庫管理程式 - phpMyAdmin,是一套以PHP程式語言所撰寫的自由軟體授權網頁程式,PHP+MySQL架站的必學資料庫管理程式,許多架站包都有內建,而主機商也都採用它來讓客戶管理MySQL資料庫,支援多國語系。(阿榮)(下載

phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the World Wide Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations with MySQL. The most frequently used operations are supported by the user interface (managing databases, tables, fields, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc), while you still have the ability to directly execute any SQL statement.

下載連結→ [按此下載]

載點:[4.0.8] [4.0.7] [4.0.6] [4.0.5] [] [4.0.4] [4.0.3] [4.0.2] [4.0.1] [4.0.0] [] [3.5.8] [3.5.5]

Source: azofreeware.com
