《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  《MLB The Show 21》明日推出,上手秘訣先來助攻   80年代動作巨星將於5月20日在《決勝時刻®:黑色行動冷戰》與《現代戰域™》爆炸性登場   PlayStation官方將播出線上直播節目「State of Play」,並帶來PS5的遊戲情報!   《Returnal》:令人難忘的海伯利昂之戰製作特輯   『鬼滅之刃 火之神血風譚』單人遊玩模式介紹   Pulse 3D 無線耳機組午夜黑款10月29日登場   PS5版《Alan Wake 2》宣布推出   沒有PS5也能遊玩了!PC版「FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE」將於Epic Games Store發售! 

PC Wizard 2013.2.12 免安裝版 – 電腦硬體規格檢測軟體


免費硬體資訊檢測軟體 - PC Wizard,透過它的「Hardware」功能可以檢測出完整的電腦硬體資訊,還有「Configuration」、「System Files」、「Resources」、「Benchmark」等功能,「Configuration」裡面是作業系統的設定資訊,「Benchmark」可以作一些基本的效能評測,CPU、記憶體、硬碟、光碟機...等。 (阿榮)(下載

[2009.07.27] 2009.1.88 版雖已釋出,但經過測試,主程式執行時會卡住而無法使用,所以暫不更新!
[2009.10.28] 程式會開在「Debug Mode」,應該是還有Bug,但大家先用看看。上次更新:2008/12/1。

Since 1996 PC WIZARD is among the most advanced system information programs on the market. PC WIZARD is a powerful utility designed especially for detection of hardware, but also some more analysis. It's able to identify a large scale of system components and supports the latest technologies and standards. This tool is periodically updated (usually once per month) in order to provide most accurate results.

PC WIZARD is also an utility designed to analyze and benchmark your computer system. It can analyze and benchmark many kinds of hardware, such as CPU performance, Cache performance, RAM performance, Hard Disk performance, CD/DVD-ROM performance, Removable/FLASH Media performance, Video performance, MP3 compression performance.


下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝版]

免安裝版 [2013.2.12] [2012.2.11]

Source: azofreeware.com

