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OutlookAttachView 2.62 免安裝中文版 – Outlook附件檔檢視工具


Outlook附件檢視、另存新檔工具 - OutlookAttachView,能夠掃描Outlook的PST檔後列出附件清單,方便檢視或將多個附件另存新檔;可以自訂時間範圍、副檔名、收件者、寄件者...等搜尋條件,以便快速找出需要的附件檔。(阿榮)(下載

[2012.07.02] 2.35版起官方釋出中文語系。

OutlookAttachView Portable scans all messages stored in your Outlook, and displays the list of all attached files that it finds. You can easily select one or more attachments and save all of them into the desired folder, as well as you can delete unwanted large attachments that take too much disk space in your mailbox. You can also save the list of attachments into xml/html/text/csv file.

下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝中文版]

免安裝版 [2.62] [2.61] [2.60] [2.56] [2.55]

Source: azofreeware.com

