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TurnedOnTimesView 1.10 免安裝中文版 – 查出電腦開關機及使用時間


查出電腦開關機及使用時間的免費軟體 - TurnedOnTimesView,電腦的開關機、登入登出時間其實都有記錄可查,只是深藏在控制台的系統管理工具下的事件檢視器裡,判讀這些資訊恐怕大多數人辦不到!如果你只是想單純知道電腦是何時開機的?使用了多久?那麼只要開啟這套軟體,就會列出開機時間、關機時間、期間(使用時間)...等資訊。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:Nir Sofer
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/2000(32及64位元)

TurnedOnTimesView is a simple tool that analyses the event log of Windows operating system, and detects the time ranges that your computer was turned on. For every period of time that the computer was turned on, the following information is displayed: Startup Time, Shutdown Time, Duration, Shutdown Reason, Shutdown Type, Shutdown Process, and Shutdown Code.
TurnedOnTimesView allows you to get this information from your local computer, and from remote computer on your network if you have enough privilege to read the event log of Windows remotely.

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免安裝版 [1.10] [1.06]

Source: azofreeware.com


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