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WirelessKeyView 1.70 免安裝中文版 – 破解無線網路連線密碼


WirelessKeyView - 無線網路連線密碼查看工具,雖然無線網路密碼是自己設定的卻常常忘記?哪天家裡有客人要用無限網路卻尷尬得忘記密碼?打開這個工具直接將十六進制碼複製下來存成文字檔,把密碼檔案用隨身碟給你的客人,他就可以連上你的網路了!測試過金鑰類型「WEP/WPA」無誤。(阿榮)(下載

WirelessKeyView recovers all wireless network keys (WEP/WPA) stored in your computer by the 'Wireless Zero Configuration' service of Windows XP and by the 'WLAN AutoConfig' service of Windows Vista. It allows you to easily save all keys to text/html/xml file, or copy a single key to the clipboard.

Q: I run WirelessKeyView, and it gives me a very long WPA-PSK key under the 'Key (Hex)' column, which is not the original key that I used. Can I retrieve the original Ascii key ?
A: In Windows XP, after you type a WPA-PSK key, it automatically converted into a 128-bit key that is displayed by WirelessKeyView in 'Key (Hex)' column. This new key cannot be converted back to the original key that you typed, but you can use this key to connect to the wireless network exactly like the original key.
In Windows Vista, the WPA-PSK key is not converted into another key, so you can retrieve the original key that you typed.



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免安裝版 [1.70] [1.68] [1.67] [1.66]

Source: azofreeware.com


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