模擬電腦硬碟讀寫狀態LED燈 - Free HDD LED,以桌面右下角小圖示方式來模擬硬碟燈,上半部亮紅燈表示寫入,下半部亮藍燈表示讀取,也有額外的懸浮小圖示來顯示個別分割區的動態,還有監控硬碟所剩空間的功能。(阿榮)(下載)
[2011.09.22] 0.6 版起懸浮小圖示左邊多了「PayPal」捐款圖示,要捐款才會消失,不喜歡的可以選擇0.5b版;另外,新增了可以選擇所要顯示的分割區的功能。
[2013.05.12] 1.73版起會強迫安裝額外軟體,拒絕更新!
Free HDD LED shows hard disk drive activity in real time in the systray area. It also features a free disk space monitor (works also for pendrives, network drives and TrueCrypt drives. It monitors all physical hard disk drives connected to the pc (ide/sata/usb).
※注意:電腦必須有安裝「.NET Framework 2.0」才可以執行此程式!
下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝版]
免安裝版 [1.90] [1.85] [1.72] [1.50] [0.5b]
Source: azofreeware.com