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PingInfoView 1.41 免安裝中文版 – Ping測試軟體


Ping測試軟體 - PingInfoView,取代Ping指令的軟體,可以將網域名稱或IP儲存為清單,在指定的間隔秒數下自動Ping主機,並把測得的數據顯示在軟體介面上,這些數據資訊包括成功數、失敗數、失敗率、回應時間...等等,也可以將結果匯出為報表。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:Nir Sofer
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

PingInfoView Portable is a small utility that allows you to easily ping multiple host names and IP addresses, and watch the result in one table. It automatically ping to all hosts every number of seconds that you specify, and displays the number of succeed and failed pings, as well as the average ping time. You can also save the ping result into text/html/xml file, or copy it to the clipboard.


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Source: azofreeware.com

