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FileTypesMan 1.66 免安裝中文版 – Windows檔案副檔名管理工具


Windows檔案副檔名管理工具 - FileTypesMan,取代檔案總管「類型」欄位的功能,顯示檔案副檔名的關聯資料,針對每個副檔名顯示:檔案類型、描述、MIME類型、認知類型、旗標、瀏覽器旗標...等資訊,還可以輕鬆編輯檔案類型的屬性。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:Nir Sofer
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

FileTypesMan is an alternative to the 'File Types' tab in the 'Folder Options' of Windows. It displays the list of all file extensions and types registered on your computer. For each file type, the following information is displayed: Type Name, Description, MIME Type, Perceived Type, Flags, Browser Flags, and more.
FileTypesMan also allows you to easily edit the properties and flags of each file type, as well as it allows you to add, edit, and remove actions in a file type.


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Source: azofreeware.com

