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IE PassView 1.35 免安裝中文版 – 取得儲存在IE瀏覽器的密碼 (解壓縮密碼 azo)

IE密碼取回工具 - IE PassView,有些帳號密碼長期儲存在IE瀏覽器的「自動完成」,久而久之,連自己都忘了,使用這個工具可以幫助你取回遺忘的帳號及密碼,支援Internet Explorer 4到8版。(阿榮)(下載) IE PassView is a small utility that reveals the passwords stored by Internet Explorer Web browser. It supports all versions of Internet Explorer, from version 4.0 and up to 8.0. For each password that is stored by Internet Explorer, the following information is displayed: Web

Source:: azofreeware.com

