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義大利威尼斯2019年9月3日 /美通社/ -- 昨晚,第76屆威尼斯國際電影節(Venice International Film Festival)主要贊助商Armani beauty(Armani美妝),在威尼斯舉辦了一場獨家晚宴,向電影製作致敬。

Armani beauty’s Global Beauty Ambassador Cate Blanchett with Armani beauty faces Madisin Rian, Greta Ferro, Sara Sampaio and Barbara Palvin at the exclusive dinner Armani beauty hosted in Venice to honor cinematography during the 76th Venice International Film Festival. Credits: Armani beauty
Armani beauty’s Global Beauty Ambassador Cate Blanchett with Armani beauty faces Madisin Rian, Greta Ferro, Sara Sampaio and Barbara Palvin at the exclusive dinner Armani beauty hosted in Venice to honor cinematography during the 76th Venice International Film Festival. Credits: Armani beauty

這場晚宴彙集了Armani美妝品牌的全球美妝大使姬蒂白蘭芝(Cate Blanchett);Armani美妝形象代言人Barbara Palvin桑帕伊奧(Sara Sampaio)Greta FerroMadisin Rian;嘉芙蓮丹露(Catherine Deneuve)、侯特(Nicholas Hoult)伊莎貝雨蓓(Isabelle Huppert)Alessandra MastronardiAlice PaganiElodie Yung等國際明星,以及Michelle HunzikerTina KunakeyNicole Warne等其他嘉賓。


Armani美妝與第76屆威尼斯國際電影節的合作,進一步加強了該品牌與電影界的關係,並能慶祝Giorgio Armani對於電影的終生熱愛。多年來,Armani為一系列電影進行了服裝創作,從最為著名的1980年《美國舞男》(American Gigolo)(Armani為李察基爾(Richard Gere)設計了整整一個衣櫃的衣服),一直覆蓋到《義膽雄心》(The Untouchables)、《變種異煞》(Gattaca)、《偷香》(Stealing Beauty)、《辣手刑警》(Shaft)、《蝙蝠俠》(Batman)系列、《特務踢死兔》(The Tuxedo)、《搖擺情事》(De-Lovely)、《不公平的戰爭》(Fair Game)、《社群網戰》(The Social Network)、《職業特式隊:鬼影約章》(Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol)、《少女殺手的奇幻旅程》(Hanna)、《暴力年代》(A Most Violent Year)和《華爾街狼人》(The Wolf of Wall Street)等影片。

為了慶祝與威尼斯國際電影節進行合作,Armani美妝已經發佈了其標誌性唇釉LIP MAESTRO的限量版。在群星雲集的400人晚宴上,標誌性的Armani紅管唇釉被注入了精緻的金色珍珠,並由此變得金光燦爛,採用金色包裝。

晚宴照片由Greg Williams拍攝
版權所有:Greg Williams(為Armani美妝服務)


Nicole Warne at the exclusive dinner Armani beauty hosted in Venice to honor cinematography during the 76th Venice International Film Festival. Credits: Armani beauty
Nicole Warne at the exclusive dinner Armani beauty hosted in Venice to honor cinematography during the 76th Venice International Film Festival. Credits: Armani beauty


Tina Kunakey at the exclusive dinner Armani beauty hosted in Venice to honor cinematography during the 76th Venice International Film Festival. Credits: Armani beauty
Tina Kunakey at the exclusive dinner Armani beauty hosted in Venice to honor cinematography during the 76th Venice International Film Festival. Credits: Armani beauty


Armani beauty faces Greta Ferro, Barbara Palvin, Madisin Rian and Sara Sampaio at the exclusive dinner Armani beauty hosted in Venice to honor cinematography during the 76th Venice International Film Festival. Credits: Greg Williams for Armani beauty
Armani beauty faces Greta Ferro, Barbara Palvin, Madisin Rian and Sara Sampaio at the exclusive dinner Armani beauty hosted in Venice to honor cinematography during the 76th Venice International Film Festival. Credits: Greg Williams for Armani beauty


Armani beauty’s Global Beauty Ambassador Cate at the exclusive dinner Armani beauty hosted in Venice to honor cinematography during the 76th Venice International Film Festival. Credits: Greg Williams for Armani beauty
Armani beauty’s Global Beauty Ambassador Cate at the exclusive dinner Armani beauty hosted in Venice to honor cinematography during the 76th Venice International Film Festival. Credits: Greg Williams for Armani beauty


圖片 - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/968694/Armani_beautys_Global_Beauty_Ambassador_Cate_Blanchett.jpg  圖片 - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/968695/Nicole_Warne.jpg 
圖片 - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/968696/Tina_Kunakey.jpg 
圖片 - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/968697/Greta_Ferro___Barbara_Palvin___Madisin_Rian_and_Sara_Sampaio.jpg 圖片 - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/968698/Cate_Blanchett.jpg
圖示 - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/739571/Giorgio_Armani_Beauty_Logo.jpg

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