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比利時根特2021年6月22日 /PRNewswire/ -- 聊天和視像應用程式Ablo剛推出最新功能。透過「直播秀」讓用戶可以進行現場直播,成為自己國家或地區的導遊。此刻全世界都渴望能夠再次旅遊,因此這項功能的推出非常合時。

With the Ablo app, traveling to the other side of the globe is as simple as tapping your screen. The live translation feature on chat, video and live stream eliminates the language barrier and makes socializing on Ablo a unique experience. Ablo - Open Your World.
With the Ablo app, traveling to the other side of the globe is as simple as tapping your screen. The live translation feature on chat, video and live stream eliminates the language barrier and makes socializing on Ablo a unique experience. Ablo - Open Your World.




Ablo行政總裁 Joost Roelandts 說:「人們對於探索世界和看看外面世界的渴望是前所未見,而探索世界的最佳方式莫過於與當地人交談。透過我們全新的直播秀功能,我們希望人們可以表達自我、相互分享文化及分享真實的故事。」 


獲選為Google Play「2019 年度最佳應用程式」,全球已超過 2,900 萬人下載,用戶們可以足不出戶到訪 233 個國家/地區。有一點可以肯定的是,在Ablo上總可以找到人交談。該應用程式廣受18至24歲的族群或Z世代成年人的歡迎。 



Ablo是一款帶您環遊世界的聊天和視像應用程式。此應用程式將為您與來自各個國家/地區的人建立友誼,透過實時翻譯對話讓您以自己的語言交談。Ablo 將為您打開世界。

如欲下載應用程式,請瀏覽 https://ablo.live/

With Ablo’s newest feature, “Live Guide Show”, users can share their country and culture in real time. The streamer, or “Live Guide” as the app calls them, becomes a virtual guide to the viewers. Ablo - Open Your World.
With Ablo’s newest feature, “Live Guide Show”, users can share their country and culture in real time. The streamer, or “Live Guide” as the app calls them, becomes a virtual guide to the viewers. Ablo - Open Your World.


With its newest feature, “Live Guide Show”, Ablo connects you with people from every single corner of this planet. Discover how they live, what they eat and who they are. See the world through the eyes of locals. Ablo - Open Your World.
With its newest feature, “Live Guide Show”, Ablo connects you with people from every single corner of this planet. Discover how they live, what they eat and who they are. See the world through the eyes of locals. Ablo - Open Your World.


圖片 - https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/1534014/liveguideshow_mockup.jpg?p=medium600
圖片 - https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/1534015/liveguideshow.jpg?p=medium600
標誌 - https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/1534012/Ablo_Logo.jpg?p=medium600
圖片 - https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/1535542/ablo_app.jpg?p=medium600

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