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傳 Nexus 3 將使用 NVIDIA 的 Tegra 3 處理器晶片

Google 的 Andy Rubin 在 Google I/O 2011 中宣佈會在年底推出第三部的 Nexus 裝置 (暫且稱為 Nexus 3),雖然暫時未知道 Nexus 3 會是使用 Android 2.x 的智能手機或是 Android 3.x 的平板電腦,但這部裝置很有可能會在今年年底前推出! 不過,NVIDIA 的 CEO 又跑出來湊熱鬧了。根據 Jen-Hsun Huang 表示,NVIDIA 正與 Google 在 Android Ice Cream Sandwich 上緊密合作,而且在年底前將會看到使用 NVIDIA 晶片的新 Android Ice Cream Sandwich 裝置。
… we’re working very closely with Google on Ice Cream Sandwich, and it’s a very important new generation of operating system based on starting from the Honeycomb base and I’m expecting it to be really terrific. And so we’re working very closely with the Google team, and Tegra will be surely be wonderful for Ice Cream when it comes. We’re really excited about the work that they’re doing on Ice Cream. And I can’t comment too much more other than that, but we’re working very closely with their teams on the Ice Cream Sandwich. And as all of these products — they will come to the market when they’re great, and I’m certainly expecting them to be great on this year.
NVIDIA Tegra 3 將會是移動平台上相當重要的晶片組;
  • 全球首枚四核心移動處理器
  • 全新 12 核心的圖像處理器,支援 3D stereo
  • 支援 2560 x 1600 的 Extreme 3D
  • 比起 Tegra 2 快 5 倍
[資料來源:androidandme] 轉載網站


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