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VirtualDub Portable 1.10.4 免安裝版 – 免費影片剪接軟體

VirtualDub - 老牌多媒體剪輯軟體,操作起來有點小複雜,不過,網路上有一堆教學,提供給影片的玩家。(阿榮)(下載) 官方網站:VirtualDub Team 軟體性質:自由軟體 介面語言:英文 系統需求:Windows 關鍵字:影片轉向 VirtualDub Portable is a video capture/processing utility. It lacks the editing power of a general-purpose editor such as Adobe Premiere, but is streamlined for fast linear operations over video. It has batch-processing capabilities for processing large numbers of files
AZO Freeware
