FeedDemon Beta 中文版
科技能夠與Google Reader同步的RSS閱讀器–FeedDemon,實現雙向的訂閱資訊同步,安裝完畢可以線上同步Google Reader帳號裡的訂閱內容(包含已閱讀項目),既不用匯出再匯入OPML檔,或者一個一個輸入RSS訂閱資訊,完全支援中文,又有好用的離線閱讀模式。(阿榮)(圖)
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\FeedDemon
[2009.09.16] 安裝後請勿任意升級!否則無法使用中文介面,因為程式會比對語系版本。
[2009.09.17] FeedDemon Pre-Release 中文語系切換時會出錯,暫不更新!
[2009.09.19] Google 同步功能研究心得:如果開啟同步功能,會抓取到跟 Google Reader 一樣的內容,如果關閉同步功能,則獨自抓取內容,有何不一樣?拿敝站的 RSS 作測試,你會發現:同步時會有些文章讀不到(Google Reader 已知 Bug,反應過也沒用!),取消同步時則正常。
* Google Reader synchronization: Use FeedDemon at home, at your office, or anywhere you go and keep your feeds, tags and shared items synched between locations.
* Sharing: FeedDemon’s simple single-click sharing lets your friends subscribe to a feed of your favorite articles.
* Tagging: Assign your own keywords to items, making it easy to classify and locate articles you've previously read.
* Watches: Tell FeedDemon to let you know when your keywords appear in any feed you’re subscribed to.
* Search Feed: Get alerted when your keywords appear in any feed, regardless of whether you’re subscribed to it.
* Podcasts: Let FeedDemon automatically download audio files and copy them to your iPod or other media device.
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