《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  寶可夢系列首款小隊策略對戰遊戲「寶可夢大集結」確定推出時程!   聖劍傳說高清復刻手遊版開售!12月21日前有早鳥優惠!   發光的遊戲用手機降溫機?「Razer Phone Cooler Chroma」登場!   G-GEAR與MSI共同開發的電競PC「G-GEAR Powered by MSI」新型號發售   東京「TOKYO eSPORTS FESTA 2022」確定舉辦!這回線上線下同步開跑!   「Indie World 2021.12.16」 發表內容總結!   共舞之美:在《Operation: Tango》中體驗非對稱世界建構   香港最大動漫・電玩盛事「ACGHK 2021(香港動漫電玩節)」即將登場!另有電競活動「香港電競嘉年華2021」! 

Data Privacy in Hong Kong — OctopusGate and Beyond

The incident of Octopus selling customer personal information to third parties has aroused Hong Kong people's attention to their own privacy. The question worthy of being raised would be: Are those people who deal with personal data in public or private institutions, whether they are executives or rank-and-file workers, aware
TechNow 當代科技

