RIOT 0.4.3
科技圖片減肥工具–Radical Image Optimization Tool(簡稱 RIOT),可以將各式各樣圖片檔的「大小」最佳化後輸出為JPG、GIF、PNG格式,還有指定大小的壓縮功能(Compress to size),對於加快網頁讀取的速度,或者,應付有大小限制的圖片上傳是很有幫助的。(阿榮)(圖)
Radical Image Optimization Tool (RIOT for short) is a free image optimizer that will let you to visually adjust compression parameters while keeping minimum filesize.
It uses with a side by side (dual view) or single view interface to compare the original with the optimized image in real time and instantly see the resulting file size.
It is lightweight, fast and simple to use, yet powerful for advanced users. You will be able to control compression, number of colors, metadata settings and much more, and select image format (JPG, GIF or PNG) for your output file.
- fixed Vista (possible Windows 7) bug with not being able to type in the batch dialog some characters used as shortcuts (R, L, etc). This occurs only if the program is launched with at least 2 files as parameters which results in the Batch window being opened at startup.
- corrected a name in the About->Credits section
- fixed some memory leaks in the batch dialog related to the FileList
- optimized startup sequence
- updated FastMM to version 4.97
- updated vclfixpack to version 1.4 (some fixed which are not needed were removed)
- fixed a crash in FreeImage when reading a JPEG with corrupted XMP data
- fixed loading of JPEG images with a not null but zero length IPTC segment (bad files produced by Picasa)
- fixed a crash in FreeImage when loading a PSD with a CMYK embedded thumbnail
- other minor modifications
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SHA1:01a7c8ed547da137338524b01a5231cbfb62c828 Go to Source
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