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成立科技局, 是全港資訊及通訊科技界的共識, 大家都曾經就此目標努力過。 在去年十二月我們IT呼聲2012的二十位選舉委員舉辦的特首論壇上, 我們得到所有特首候選人同意支持成立科技局, 所以無論誰當選特首, 科技局都應會成事。 可惜人算不如天算, 政府在換屆前要求的架構重組不獲通過, 整個重組包括新增的科技及通訊局, 遙遙無期, 結果是「IT新局開不成」! 當遇上難題, 有些人祇會埋怨別人阻撓, 繼續地等運到。有些人卻會另想新方法, 突破難關。 我, 屬於後者。 其實只要簡單分析, 不難發現, 科技及通訊局是整個政府架構重組中爭議最少的部份, 整體社會都接受, 業界更全面支持。 我們還在等什麼? 分拆優先成立科技局 我已於日前去信行政長官, 要求「政府在新一屆立法會會期開始時, 盡快把這沒有爭議的部份分拆出來」, 優先成立科技及通訊局, 讓科研發展帶領香港走出困境;我亦承諾向各黨派遊說他們支持這個新建議。 「科技局優先」這建議本可在今屆立法會會期提出, 但代表我們業界的議員在面對困難時, 竟沒有嘗試過做任何事去扭轉局勢。 嘗試不一定會成功, 不嘗試就百分百失敗。四年困局, 就是這樣蹉跎去了。 更重要的是, 科技及通訊局不是終點, 只是新的起跑線 -- 我們要的是能有效發展ICT產業政策。即使新局在年底前仍未能成立, 我們也不能再苦等。 我承諾在當選後三十天內, 集合香港所有業界團體的代表及其他專家, 不問派別, 成立「ICT政策行動委員會」, 開放地收集業界任何人士對香港的意見, 在新局未成立、新局長未就任前, 就ICT發展政策先取共識, 於九十天內向行政長官遞交意見書。 讓我邀請你參與這在過去四年停頓了的行動, 重新出發! 我承諾利用所有渠道接觸選民, 仔細聆聽你的寶貴意見, 現謹誠邀你參加我為ICT人而設的聚會, 好讓我們能深入討論各項議題。你的聲音不能少! ICT 聚會 日期:2012年7月30日(星期一) 時間:下午6時至8時 地點:Pacific Coffee 鰂魚涌海光街26及28號太豐樓地下 **食物及飲品參加者自付 查詢或報名﹕致電2831 7003或電郵至 [email protected]   Let’s Break Through the Technology Bureau Stalemate! The establishment of a Technology Bureau is a consensus of Hong Kong’s ICT sector. .We have worked together diligently toward this goal. In December 2011, in the Chief Executive candidates’ forum organized by the twenty IT Voice 2012 election committee members, all the candidates supported the establishment of a Technology Bureau. However, no one could have foreseen that the government restructuring proposal would be eventually stalled, leaving the formation of the new Technology and Communications Bureau in jeopardy and uncertainty. There are those who look at a problem and blame on others and keep waiting. There are others who think of new ways to change the status quo. I am of the latter kind. In fact, it is easy to see that the Technology and Communications Bureau is the least controversial among all parts of the government restructuring proposal, accepted by all of society, and fully supported by our industry. So what are we waiting for? Set up Technology Bureau First I have written to the Chief Executive to suggest that our bureau’s establishment should be handled separately when the new session of the Legislative Council convenes. I also promise to assist in lobbying all political factions to accept this proposal. This “Technology Bureau First” proposal could have been made in the legislative session that just ended. Unfortunately, our current IT legislator did nothing. Doing nothing may be failsafe. But one will never succeed either. This is exactly the kind of stalemate we have just had in the last four years. Most importantly, this Bureau is a means to an end – what we really need is an effective ICT industry policy. Even if the new Bureau isn’t set up yet, we don’t have to wait! I promise that, if elected, within my first thirty days in office, I will invite representatives from all ICT organizations in Hong Kong with other experts, regardless of their political consideration, to form an “ICT Policy Action Committee.” We will also openly listen to anyone in ICT as long as they have good and useful ideas to give. Together we will submit a policy opinion paper to the Chief Executive within my first ninety days in office. Let me invite you to join me in this action, and make happen what did not in the last four years! Let’s make a change and start over again! I pledge that in order for all your precious opinions to be heard; I will use all means to communicate with eligible voters. Please join us for this ICT special gathering. Yes, this gathering is especially for you. We would sincerely love to exchange our views from all perspectives with you. ICT Gathering Date:30 Jul 2012 (Mon) Time:6pm - 8pm Venue:Pacific Coffee G/F, Tai Fung Building, 26 & 28 Hoi Kwong Street, Quarry Bay ** Food and drink self pay For enquiry and registration, please call 2831 7003 or email to [email protected] Source link 原文引用
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