嗨,大家好,我們正在考慮增加一個免費分類廣告功能,freelancer 可以提交他們能做什麼和公司可以提交需要什麼。
據我所知,我們的主要讀者是 IT 人,其中一些人可能想要提交他們能做什麼服務 / 產品,吸引潛在客戶。
公司可能還需要 freelancer 的網頁設計,主機託管,設計等。
如果您認為這是一個好主意,請發表評論 Yes / No。
Hi guys, we are thinking to add a FREE classified like feature for
freelancer to submit what they can do and
company can submit what they want.
As far as we know, our main audiences are IT people so some of them may want to promote service / product to potential clients.
And company may also need freelance for web design, hosting, design, etc..
If you think this is a good idea, please leave a comment of yes. Otherwise, leave a no.
Thanks a lot for your participating.