《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  《SteelRising》創新玩轉動作類型遊戲   PS3與PS Vita的PS Store販售服務不終止了!但是PSP將原定計畫退役!   藍牙電競耳機EPOS H3 Hybrid評測!   《原神》2.2版本更新:驅散籠罩在鶴觀的疑霧吧!   觀察性驚悚遊戲《Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View》於11月2日登陸PS5、PS4   「超級機器人大戰30」第三彈預告片 & DLC②參戰作品發表!ULTRAMAN於超機戰中登場!   進入Norsfell《Tribes of Midgard》的世界——協力動作RPG於7月 27日正式推出   色彩繽紛!閃耀著彩虹光芒的電競滋露巧克力「大滋露〈Rainbow BOX〉」開賣! 

Alexa – New look

fireshot-capture-108-technow_com_hk-traffic-details-from-alexa-www_alexa_com_siteinfo_technow_com_hk Many of us knowing that Alexa is the ranking standard for website since there is not much standard out there. People complain about how in-accurate of it and advertising agencies do not use the ranking for reference either. It makes perfectly sense. Today I go to alexa again and realize they change the look as well as the calculation mechanism I think. It is closer to the country visits from my google analytics so I suppose people and agencies could reference from Alexa a little more now. TechNow alexa - http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/technow.com.hk

