INET Asia Regional Conference : IPv6, Security and Privacy, Multilingualism and SEO (13 – 14 April 2010)
Organized by Internet Society since 1994, the INET conferences have been staged all over the world to address IT-related topics.
It will be hosted in Hong Kong for the first time with a popular theme of ‘Opportunities and Challenges in the Next Generation Internet –IPv6, Security and Privacy, Multilingualism and SEO’. The 2-day conference will be held on 13-14 April, co-located with ICT Expo at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Main Theme:
Opportunities and Challenges in the Next Generation Internet
- IPv6, Security and Privacy, Multilingualism and SEO
Event website: http://www.inethk.asia/
13 April
- Morning Session - Enabling Future Growth : IPv6 is a Reality
- Afternoon Session - Network Confidence, Security and Privacy of Online Registration Systems
14 April
- Morning Session - Multilingualism and Internet Navigation
- Afternoon Session - Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Business Identities
Guest of Honour:
Mr Jeremy Godfrey, Government Chief Information Officer, OGCIO, HKSAR Government
Speakers' Highlight:
Mr Paul Wilson, Director General, APNIC (Asia-Pacific Network Information Centre)
Mr MAEMURA Akinori, Task Force on IPv4 Address Exhaustion, Japan and General Manager Internet Development Department, JPNIC (Japan Network Information Center)
Mr. Christian Dwinantyo, General Manager for IT Dept, D-NET, an ISP in Jakarta, Indonesia
Mr. Takeshi Tomochika, Manager, IP Technology Department, Business Network Service Division, NTT Communications Corporation
Dr. James Galvin, Director, Strategic Relationships and Technical Standard, Afilias
Mr Rod Rasmussen, President and CTO, Internet Identity, Co-Chair, APWG Internet Policy Committee
(Anti-Phishing Working Group)
Mr Dave Piscitello, Senior Security Technologist, ICANN
Ms Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Chair of the ICANN At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC)
Ms Tina Dam, Senior Director, IDNs, ICANN
Mr Chester Soong, Member, Asian Advisory Board, (ISC)2
Mr Hiro Hotta, Director, JPRS (Japan Registry Services)
Mr Hirokatsu Ohigashi, Executive Director, GMO Registry, Japan
Mr Ching Chiao, VP Community Relations, DotAsia Organisation
Mr Edmon Chung, CEO, DotAsia Organisation
Mr Jon McNerney, Chief Operating Officer, Internet Society
Mr Che-Hoo Cheng, Convener, IPv6 Working Group,
Internet Society Hong Kong
Mr Charles Mok, Chairman, Internet Society Hong Kong
Event website: http://www.inethk.asia
Detailed agenda: http://www.inethk.asia/agenda.html
Register here: http://event.isoc.hk/inetreg
Co-located event: ICT Expo (13-16 April)
Main Host: Internet Society (ISOC)
Local Host: Internet Society Hong Kong (ISOC HK)
Supporting Partners:
DotAsia Organisation
Hong Kong Internet Exchange (HKIX)
Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC)
IPv6 Forum Hong Kong
Supporting Organisations:
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO)
Association of IT Leaders in Education (AiTLE)
Association of Computing Machinery Hong Kong (ACM-HK)
Communications Associations of Hong Kong (CAHK)
The Hong Kong Association for Computer Education (HKACE)
Hong Kong Information Technology Federation (HKITF)
Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC)
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Hong Kong Section Computer Chapter (IEEE HK COMP)
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Information Security and Forensics Society (ISFS)
ISACA China Hong Kong Chapter
Professional Information Security Association (PISA)
Retail Technology Industry Association (RTIA)
Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association (WTIA)

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