VideoCacheView 1.72 免安裝中文版
VideoCacheView–網路影片暴力下載工具,對於瀏覽器所播放的影片而言,也是凡走過必留下痕跡,只要網路串流影片的提供者所採用的是快取技術,那麼,當你關閉Firefox或IE時,影片便會寫入瀏覽器暫存檔,而這個小工具可以開啟曾經看過的影片(支援:WMV、FLV...等影片),或者另存新檔,即使是沒有副檔名的FLV也可以播放(推薦用 KMPlayer 來預設開啟)。(阿榮)
After watching a video in a Web site, you may want to save the video file into your local disk for playing it offline in the future. If the video file is stored in your browser's cache, this utility can help you to extract the video file from the cache and save it for watching it in the future.
It automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all video files that are currently stored in it. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play flv files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.
Version 1.72:
* Fixed bug: For some Web sites, the 'Content Type' value displayed for Firefox Web browser was incorrect.
中文化作者:發夢 King
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