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Dialupass 3.06 免安裝中文版

ADSL、RAS、VPN 撥接密碼回復工具 - Dialupass,電腦要重灌了,撥接密碼卻忘了!怎麼想都想不起來,除了打電話給ISP之外,你可以用這個小工具,把藏到連自己都忘記的密碼給找回來。阿榮 This utility works under Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003/2008, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. The passwords are revealed only if you log on to the computer with administrator privileges. If you need to recover your dialup passwords from Windows 9x/ME, you can use Dialupass v2.45. 改版訊息: 3.06 (2010.07.08) * Fixed issue: removed the wrong encoding from the xml string, which caused problems to some xml viewers. 下載連結→ [訊6] [SkyDrive] [Xuite] [sendspace] SHA1:3a9f9a454fc8afaf18bd63e77a4c2f5c9bdfeb58
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