《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  ASUS將於日本發售「機動戰士GUNDAM」限定聯名款!夏亞的3倍速路由器!   觀察性驚悚遊戲《Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View》於11月2日登陸PS5、PS4   《地平線 西域禁地》收藏版和數位豪華版內容搶先看   《SteelRising》創新玩轉動作類型遊戲   紀念人中之木村突破100萬套!《審判之眼:死神的遺言 Remastered》推出超特惠價!   我是你的GPU——打造《Astro’s Playroom》數位風格流行音樂   動畫化與遊戲化!以東京山手線各站為靈感的偶像計畫「STATION IDOL LATCH」啟動!   為紀念「第88回 東京優駿(GI)」KONAMI全面監製的桃鐵風賽馬雙陸遊戲「桃太郎電鐵優駿」公開! 

PDF-XChange Editor Simple SDK 6.0.321.0 – 軟體開發套件

PDF-XChange Editor Simple SDK - Allows developers the ability to view/print PDF files within a window embedded in their software application. The Editor Simple SDK provides the developer with a set of functions to create a means to View/Print PDF files within a window embedded in their software application. Both the GUI design and means of employing the provided functionality is very much left

Source:: azofreeware.com

