IT Solutions Directory Programme – Free Listing & Participation in Seminars / Exhibitions
Hong Kong Information Technology Federation (HKITF) is organizing a Hong Kong IT Solutions Directory Promotion Programme(the Programme) to bridge the supply and demand gap between Hong Kong IT solution providers and mainland IT customers, facilitating business collaboration between them for a win-win situation. The Programme is funded by the Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales (Organisation Support Programme) of the Trade and Industry Department of HKSAR Government.
Companies joining this Programme will enjoy the following benefits:
Free-of-charge listing in a digital interactive directory on Hong Kong IT solution providers and their solutions
Free-of-charge participation in exhibitions in Pan Guangdong area
Free-of-charge participation in promotion seminars in Pan Guangdong area
Your feedback will also be incorporated in surveys to investigate the status of HK IT solution providers.
The first event will be SmartHK, an exhibition-cum-seminar to be held in Guangzhou on 28-29 August 2013 ( smarthkgz-en/). You are cordially invited to join this Programme by filling in simple information HERE on or before 7th June 2013. We will then follow up with you for further details.
Note that selection of representatives in the exhibition will be made by the Project Steering Committee. We will inform you the results once the Project Steering Committee has confirmed the final list of representatives.
Please click HERE for registration
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