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Wise Auto Shutdown 1.35 免安裝中文版 – 電腦自動關機程式


電腦自動關機軟體 - Wise Auto Shutdown,簡單的自動關機、重新啟動、登出、睡眠、關閉電源功能,可以排定在每天固定的時間、指定的日期時間、幾小時幾分鐘後自動執行,可以設定在任務執行前自動提醒,也能夠從工作列臨時取消。(阿榮)(下載

[2012.10.24] 修正官方繁體中文語系「關機」翻成「關閉」的錯誤!並於關機選項加上英文註解。

By Wise Auto Shutdown you can easily schedule your computer to shut down, log off, restart, sleep, and close power at any time you want (daily, at a specified time, or some time later). After you start the task, Wise Auto Shutdown will run in the background and a double-click will get the main interface back from the tray to the desktop. Certainly, Wise Auto Shutdown will remind you of your choice five minutes before it carries out the automatic task.

[官方載點] 中文化作者:阿榮

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Source: azofreeware.com


Disney Plus