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MakeMKV 1.8.6 免安裝中文版 – 影片光碟轉MKV檔


免費DVD、藍光光碟轉MKV影片檔工具 - MakeMKV,把光碟轉成檔案以便永久收藏,能夠破解AACS、BD+藍光光碟保護,解析出光碟中的字幕、音軌、章節資訊,在多國語系的光碟轉檔之前,可以先選取要轉檔的聲音檔、字幕語言,輕鬆把影片轉成MKV檔格式。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:GuinpinSoft inc
系統需求:Windows 7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

MakeMKV is your one-click solution to convert video that you own into free and patents-unencumbered format that can be played everywhere. MakeMKV is a format converter, otherwise called "transcoder". It converts the video clips from proprietary (and usually encrypted) disc into a set of MKV files, preserving most information but not changing it in any way. The MKV format can store multiple video/audio tracks with all meta-information and preserve chapters. There are many players that can play MKV files nearly on all platforms, and there are tools to convert MKV files to many formats, including DVD and Blu-ray discs.

[2013.10.01] 加入繁體中文語系,謝謝讀者「Geng-Yu Liao」提供簡轉繁後的中文語系,僅轉換未作用語本地化,需手動切換為繁體中文。


下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝版]

免安裝版 [1.8.6] [1.8.5-20131001] [1.8.5] [1.8.4]

Source: azofreeware.com
