免安裝老闆鍵軟體 - HiddeX,你正在使用一些軟體或是玩遊戲,突然老闆或是其他人走了過來,然而,你並不想讓別人看見你正在使用的某些軟體或遊戲,這時候就可以使用老闆鍵軟體,只要設定一個快速鍵,把想要隱藏的程式(如:LINE、Skype等通訊軟體)全部加入隱藏清單,按下快速鍵後,所有你設定的程式馬上在工具列及右下角小圖示區消失不見!再按一次快速鍵就馬上恢復原狀。(阿榮)(下載)
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
Hiddex Portable is easy-to-use security tool. It allows you to hide any window, program, browser or game in the background with one click or hotkey. The program instantly hides specified windows from your desktop and taskbar without closing them. Click ones to hide and ones more to restore all hidden windows without any loss.
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免安裝版 [2.5.20] [2.5.11] [2.5.10] [2.4] [2.3] [2.2]
Source: azofreeware.com