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.NET Framework Cleanup Tool 2013.11.11 免安裝版 – 微軟.NET Framework移除工具


微軟.NET Framework清理移除工具 - .NET Framework Cleanup Tool,當你試著安裝、移除、修復、升級.NET Framework都失敗的時候,不得已的情況下可以使用此工具來移除所有已安裝的.NET Framework版本,執行後將會進行一系列的移除動作,包括檔案、資料夾、登錄檔、鍵值、安裝程式註冊資訊,支援靜默執行、無人值守模式執行。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:Aaron Stebner
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/2000/2003/2008

This .NET Framework cleanup tool is designed to automatically perform a set of steps to remove selected versions of the .NET Framework from a computer. It will remove files, directories, registry keys and values and Windows Installer product registration information for the .NET Framework. The tool is intended primarily to return your system to a known (relatively clean) state in case you are encountering .NET Framework installation, uninstallation, repair or patching errors so that you can try to install again.

可以移除的.NET Framework版本:
.NET Framework - All Versions
.NET Framework - All Versions (Tablet PC and Media Center)
.NET Framework - All Versions (Windows Server 2003)
.NET Framework - All Versions (Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008)
.NET Framework - All Versions (Windows 7)
.NET Framework 1.0
.NET Framework 1.1
.NET Framework 2.0
.NET Framework 3.0
.NET Framework 3.5
.NET Framework 4
.NET Framework 4.5
.NET Framework 4.5.1


下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝版]

免安裝版 [2013.11.11] [2012.08.03]

Source: azofreeware.com


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