BitMeter - 免費網路流量監控軟體,是經常使用網路上傳/下載功能者必備的軟體,同類型軟體有NetMeter跟NetLimiter 2 Monitor,其功能比較像前者,優點是它不僅內建中文語系,還有美美的統計圖表。(阿榮)(下載)
BitMeter is a bandwidth meter, it allows you to visually monitor your internet connection by displaying a scrolling graph that shows your upload and download speed over time. BitMeter is freeware - ie. it is given away completely free of charge, there is no trial period, no time-limited features, no spyware, and no adware, guaranteed.
關鍵字:BitMeter II, BitMeter 2
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※注意:電腦必須有安裝「.NET Framework 1.1」才可以執行此程式!
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安裝版 [3.6.0] [3.5.10]